Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thigh tattoo in progress


  1. Wonderful. I saw you post this on FB. I didn't know you were a fellow artist! I love the process behind illustrations and designs, and I'm just starting to freelance again. Thank you for sharing. I'm here well and at
    I am hoping to start a dialogue with artists about their process and freelancing that links from the wordpress blog to my website(s. I won't put more links here, without your permision, you can find them and browse via the wordpress link. I do a lot of work to get traffic but I am just starting out again here in London. I'd love to have your input and from time to time I get requests from people back home (NJ)- I'd like to have some network of freelancers to point to. :)

    I'm interested to know what you used to produce this. Is this all ink? Will the backgrounds be included in the tattoo?

    I'm off to browse the rest of your posts now.

  2. Thanks! I'm trying to get back into freelancing too and doing some more promoting and networking on the internet.

    On this piece, I used pencil and some ink, but majority of my work is digital. I usually use a Wacomb tablet and Adobe Photoshop.

    The client works with animals and wants the piece to be her experiences with the animals she's worked with in different parts of the world, so the animals will definitely be the main focus, but there will be a simplistic Canadian forest background.

    Thanks for sharing your links! I subscribed to your blog :) Feel free to hit me up for future input. I'd be glad to share.
